William Puga started working in education and conservation projects in 1993 and co-founded the New Era Galapagos Foundation which brought in international volunteers to assist with projects based on San Cristobal Island in the Galapagos. Projects Galapagos Association was founded in 2010 and developed from the work of NEGF.
William also worked as a Galapagos National Park ranger for 5 years and has been a radio talk show host for many years. He continues to serve the community by implementing and running education and conservation programmes that help preserve the Galapagos National Park. He has also served as a town councillor, elected by the community, leading and implementing many projects that have benefited and continue to benefit the island, the community, and the island's fauna and flora. Without the help of local and international volunteers, none of the projects would be able to run and be so successful.